3 Tips for Staying Green on the Go
We admit it… staying green on the go is a challenge.
When you’ve got time to plan, it’s easier to choose the right non-toxic options. But when things get hectic – and let’s face it, that’s more often than not – good intentions go out the window.
But you can easily set yourself up for success, make your life a littler easier AND stay true to the environment. We’ve got you covered with these products that make staying green on the go a no-brainer.
Pack It. Pack It Good.
Did you know there’s a specific way to pack veggies in lunchboxes order to keep them fresh and toxin-free? At all costs, avoid bags made with Polyvinyl chloride, otherwise known as PVC. You can tell if a bag has PVC in it if it’s shiny like a beachball or shower curtain. Or you can just look at your bag’s label and make sure PVC is not on the list of materials.
BixBee makes durable and fun backpacks for children. Because of the horizontal design, these backpacks carry weight at waist instead of putting the burden on the shoulders. Say good-bye to aching back muscles!
It’s just as important to consider the things you put into the bag as the bag itself. Onyx Green makes all its school and office supplies from recycled material. It makes a wide assortment of supplies – pens, pencils, staplers, protractors – you can conveniently order online. And Brilliant Bumblebee has natural beeswax crayons that are safe and toxin free.
Go Green With Lunch Envy
The first step to packing a greener lunch is considering your drink containers. Watch out for water bottles that say “BPA free” because those companies usually replace BPA with BPS or BPF. These are basically the same chemicals!
Try Hydro Flask instead to keep your drinks the temperature they should be while not harming the environment.
When it comes to packing your food, be on the lookout for lunchboxes that don’t have a description of the materials used to make them and beware of ones that simply say Made In China. These kinds of lunchboxes have been found to have lead, phthalates and other nasty chemicals in them.
For eco-friendly lunchboxes, try EcoLunchBox, Yumbox, or Itzy Ritzy. Not only do these lunchboxes and sandwich containers have multiple sections, they’re also a fun alternative to the popular chemical-ridden boxes.
And again, we can’t recommend Bixbee enough when it comes to non-toxic bags. It clearly states on the tags of all its bags that there’s no lead, phthalate or BPA. You can buy these at any Whole Foods store.
Playing It Safe
Kids love playing sports. And they love their sports drinks. But popular options such as Monster and Gatorade are less than great options. These drinks contain a appalling amount of sugar, sodium and caffeine.
We recommend hydrating first and foremost with water. If your kids do beg for a sports drink, go with Orgain. It’s created an organic hydration powder you can mix into water. And, like other sports drinks, it’s designed to replenish electrolytes.
Again, we’d caution you to think about what materials your beverage containers are made of. Avoid water bottles given away at events for free – they’re usually made with toxic materials. Instead, use a stainless steel water bottle that has no chemicals or toxins. MIRA offers durably designed water bottles that are much better to use than plastic or glass ones.
If you’re packing snacks for little ones to eat during or after games, ditch the little plastic baggies and opt for cloth bags. Itzy Ritzy sells snack bags that are dishwasher safe. Or try EcoLunchBox’s snack container – it has three separate sections if you need a little more room.
Conclusion: Green on the Go is Easy
We hope we’ve helped you worry a little less about what you’re putting your food and drinks into so you can concentrate on other aspects of your busy routine.
If you have any questions or concerns – or just want to reach out to us – visit our website and explore how we are doing our part to help the environment.
And watch our Founder and CEO Jennifer Hankey on Atlanta + Co give more tips for staying green on the go: