Our Services

New Totally Bee-Safe Mosquito Buckets and Truly-Green Essential Oil Mosquito Spraying

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Mosquito Buckets

Mosquito buckets (traps) are available to pest control companies only and reduce the mosquito population in your yard without spraying. These bucket traps are perfect for everyone but fantastic for bee keepers or those close to bee keepers, small yards or trouble neighbor yards full of ivy where the neighbors yards will affect the success of your mosquito program.

Eco-Friendly Mosquito Spray

Mosquito spraying involves carefully spraying breeding areas in your yard for mosquitoes These include bushy areas, damp areas or other areas they rest during the day. Mosquitoes hang out on the underside or broadleaf leaves. We apply eco-friendly chemicals to these areas to kill on contact and leave a residual that will last 3 weeks, continuing to kill new mosquitoes. Services are every 3 weeks March-October. Customers can begin as early as February upon request.

The Works: Buckets + Spray

For the strongest protection against mosquitos you can pair your mosquito buckets with an 100% organic or a hybrid spray. The hybrid service is covered by the Green Queen guarantee and we will come out at no cost in between services at no cost if you have any breakthrough mosquitoes!

Mosquito Buckets

New at Green Queen
Mosquito buckets require no chemicals, organic or otherwise, to be released into the environment! 100% bee, pollinator, people and pet safe!
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Mosquito Spraying

Essential Oil Based
If you choose mosquito spraying, at Green Queen we use an essential-oil-based product for our mosquito spraying services. We care about pollinators and the planet, so we take a conscious and careful approach with our mosquito control services. Our goal is to protect bees and butterflies while also protecting your family from mosquitos.

About our products:

Are you looking for eco-friendly, green, natural and organic mosquito spraying? At the Green Queen, we use an Eco Exempt product (the safest labeling offered by the EPA) an essential-oil-based product with rosemary, peppermint gerinol and/ or citronella oils instead of traditional chemicals for our mosquito spraying services.

We care about pollinators and the planet, so we take a conscious and careful approach with our mosquito control services. Our goal is to protect bees and butterflies while also protecting your family from mosquitos. For those who want something stronger we offer a program where we add a traditional green product to the perimeter of the yard and in breeding grounds like ivy. Protecting pollinators also involves where you spray, when you spray and how you spray. We address all these factors. In fact we have areas that have bee hives that we have been treating successfully for over 5 years!

The Green Queen Guarantee:

Does it work? Some of the greatest concerns are about efficacy. Customers are wanting to avoid traditional chemicals and keep their families safe from bites and mosquito-born diseases. Our services work! We have several programs where we guarantee our services and will revisit your home at no cost if you have any issues in between services.